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Today is Updated 3-22-25
Meredith Sue Willis
This page is about Meredith Sue Willis: general announcements she wants to share, her books, her teaching, and other projects. Her books include novels and short fiction for adults; stories for children; and nonfiction on writing and the writing process. For a full list, click here.
Click here for information about MSW's upcoming appearances, teaching and workshops. There is also information for writers (Resources for Writers and A Journal of Practical Writing) along with reviews of all kinds of books and excellent things to watch, listen to, and read online. If you discover broken links or typographical errors, please email
Books for Readers #238: Book Reviews and
Information for Readers and Writers
Reviews of books by Percival Everett, Diane Simmons, Alice McDermott, Cherrie Moraga, Anne McCaffrey, Tui Sutherland, Edith Wharton, James M. Cain, Margaret Atwood, Albert Camu, Caleb Carr, Tony Hillerman, Shirley Jackson. Elaine Pagels. Reviews by Joe Chuman and Fay Martin.
MSW's Book Page--Reviews, How to Purchase, etc.
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Novels and Short Stories for Adults
Books for Teens and Children
Books about Writing
E-book Versions of MSW books
(To buy any of these books as e-books, click on the image. They are also available at the
Kindle Store and at the Nook Store as well as the iBook store and other e-book stores.)
MSW's latest appearances and publications
"The Craft of Story Telling" Video with Meredith Sue Willis
Rediscovered: Libraries Today: West Virginia Library Commission Interview with Meredith Sue Willis about Their House
Using an MSW Novel as a Teaching tool for Writers
5 star review of Dwight's House and Other Stories
Hilton Obenzinger on Love Palace
"In Martha, Meredith Sue Willis has created a great hardboiled narrator. She’s been hurt and pissed off,mainly by her two “rotters,” her father and her ex-husband, and the world that’s dealt her a tough hand, and she finds relief throughd sex and constant instability, confiding in her therapist,
when she can afford her. She’s ready for change, and stumbles into the Love Palace, a church, a social center, and an organizing HQ for its elusive charismatic spiritual leader, and by happenstance she becomes its administrator. The Love Palace is among the last low-income housing buildings in the riverside New Jersey neighborhood being overrun by gentrification, and it becomes the focal point for a fight to save what’s left. The Love Palace is a catalyst, pulling together multiple lives and stories into a pulsating community. Martha ends up cajoled to marry a much younger man, scion of the rich couple who owns the Love Palace as a project of their church – or at least we think they own it. The Love Palace community fights eviction and demolition, and knowing who owns the building is crucial – and knowing the truth about the spiritual leader as well. The novel is filled with surprises and revelations as the mysteries peel away, and Martha grows increasingly capable of handling the madness of seduction, deceit, and betrayal. Love Palace, the novel, is a delight to read, and Martha is a tough character worth meeting again and again."
Buy it from or any of the usual online hardcopy suspects. Also available as a Kindle book on Amazon, and for most e-reader formats at
Samples of MSW's novels. Please be patient--the page loads slowly.
Audio recording of MSW reading "The Sweetest Man Who Ever Lived" from the Cold Mountain Review
Women of Appalachia Speak
MSW and others reading at Women of Appalachia Project Women Speak at the Frank & Jane Gabor West Virginia Folklife Center at Fairmont State 4-13-24. Left to right: Patsy Kisner, Kristi Stevens Walke, Jennifer Browne, Kari Gunter-Seymour, Rose Smith, Meredith Sue Willis, Bonnie Proudfoot, Susan Truxell Sauter, ,Nathalie Sypolt, Cat Pleska.
Especially for Writers & Readers: Books, Writing Craft, Language
March 2025 Adventures in the Written Word: Writing it with Danny Williams
An interesting essay about Two Heroes: a Memoirist who survived a concentration camp and the general whose division liberated him.MSW's Collection of Articles for Writers
Fatima Shaik's nonfiction Economy Hall is recommended byThe New York Times!!
Using the Past Habitual Tense in Fiction Writing
Emily Harstone Gives the Basics on Writing for Children and Young Adults
Estelle Erasmus's podcasts at Freelance Writing Direct: Conversations with Authors, Journalists, Agents, Novelists, Memoirists, Niche Writers, Agents, and More!
Ben Shepherd's suggestions for marketing online. He sells services, but also has lots of good free ideas.
Nancy Wayson Dinan on What MFA Programs Do and Don't Do for Aspiring Novelists (2024)
Dialogue punctuation: Reedsy's six "unbreakable" rules for dialogue punctuation.
MasterClass on Writing a novel in the Present Tense
Various types of third person in fiction
One hundred tips to improve your novel from Ryan Chapman at Literary Hub
Alison Louise Hubbard: How I Got My Book Published
Newspaper man and novelist, Norman Julian--chronicler of Mountaineer basketball, homesteader-- and friend of many, including me
Our friend and colleague Carter Seaton died 12-23-24. She was the author of many books including a recent memoir, Guilt; as well as Rebel in a Red Jeep; Amo, Amas, Amat; Father's Troubles; and more.
For a list of her books, which includes novels, nonfiction about the back-to-the-land movement, memoir and biography, see her website. Here's an obituary.
Hilton Obenzinger reports the death of Alan Senauke, who, says Hilton, "practiced many things, notably Zen Buddhism as Abbot of the Berkeley Zen Center. But he was also a musician, an activist, a printing press operator, and a poet."
See a memory piece about Alan at
Farewell Nikki Giovanni. See New York Times obituary here
George Lies was the great gentlemen of West Virginia Letters.Learn more about him here.
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