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About Meredith Sue Willis


4-13-24 Image by Kari Gunter-Seymour


Meredith Sue Willis is a writer and teacher and enthusiastic reader. Born and raised in West Virginia, she is a proud member of the Appalachian Renaissance with deep roots in West Virginia and the far western mountain counties of Virginia. She now lives in an inner ring suburb of New York City. (Biography here.)

Her books have been published by Charles Scribner's Sons, HarperCollins,Ohio University Press, Mercury House, West Virginia University Press, Monteymayor Press, Teachers & Writers Press, Mountain State Press, Hamilton Stone Editions, and others.

She teaches at New York University's School of Professional Studies and gives workshops for writers, as well as readings and visits to libraries, book groups, and universities. She has also done many writer-in-the-school residencies

Her husband Andrew B. Weinberger is a rheumatologist, and their son Joel Weinberger is a software engineer in Los Angeles, California. He lives with his wife Sarah Weinberger, who works at Kaiser Permanente, and their children Shira (7), Eli (5), and Lev (2). The latter three are involved in deep exploration of the universe.

MSW does small scale organic gardening in her back yard and is active in her local Ethical Culture Society and in the integration organization, South Orange/Maplewood Community Coalition on Race.


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- Biography  of Meredith Sue Willis

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- Meredith Sue Willis's Resumé

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- Meredith Sue Willis's Books with commentary, how to order, etc.

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MSW Selected News & Activities

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  • 4-13-24  MSW read at Women of Appalachia Project Women Speak at the Frank & Jane Gabor West VirginiaFolklife Center at Fairmont State

4-13-34 msw readswomenspeak



whole crew

MSW and others reading at Women of Appalachia Project Women Speak at the Frank & Jane Gabor West Virginia Folklife Center at Fairmont State 4-13-24. Left to right: Patsy Kisner, Kristi Stevens Walke, Jennifer Browne, Kari Gunter-Seymour, Rose Smith, Meredith Sue Willis, Bonnie Proudfoot, Susan Truxell Sauter, ,Nathalie Sypolt, Cat Pleska.

Images by Kari Gunter-Seymour

  • 3-25-24 "The Craft of Story Telling" with Meredith Sue Willis At Youtube from Frances House.
  • 2-21-24 Hilton Obenzinger says, "In Martha, Meredith Sue Willis has created a great hardboiled narrator. She’s been hurt and pissed off, mainly by her two “rotters,” her father and her ex-husband, and the world that’s dealt her a tough hand, and she finds relief through sex and constant instability, confiding in her therapist, when she can afford her. She’s ready for change, and stumbles into the Love Palace, a church, a social center, and an organizing HQ for its elusive charismatic spiritual leader, and by happenstance she becomes its administrator. The Love Palace is among the last low-income housing buildings in the riverside New Jersey neighborhood being overrun by gentrification, and it becomes the focal point for a fight to save what’s left. The Love Palace is a catalyst, pulling together multiple lives and stories into a pulsating community. Martha ends up cajoled to marry a much younger man, scion of the rich couple who owns the Love Palace as a project of their church – or at least we think they own it. The Love Palace community fights eviction and demolition, and knowing who owns the building is crucial – and knowing the truth about the spiritual leader as well. The novel is filled with surprises and revelations as the mysteries peel away, and Martha grows increasingly capable of handling the madness of seduction, deceit, and betrayal. Love Palace, the novel, is a delight to read, and Martha is a tough character worth meeting again and again.

Buy it from or any of the usual online hardcopy suspects. Also available as a Kindle book on Amazon, and for most e-reader formats at

  • Click on the image for a direct link to the book's publisher.



  • 11-8-20 Review of Saving Tyler Hake in




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Meredith Sue Willis Author and Teacher is licensed under a

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