Newsletter #
April 17, 2004
The first hard copy issue of
the year-old literary magazine is only $10 for a terrific collection of
fiction, nonfiction, drama, poetry, and photography. There is an interview
with John Edgar Wideman and writing by Elizabeth Gaffney, Carole Rosenthal,
Paola Corso, Rick Rofihe and many others. See
I'm just back from a Fiction
Festival at West Virginia Wesleyan College, and with West Virginia writers
on my mind, I want to recommend a couple of novelists I've been reviewing
in the last few months. Both of these men had short notices from other readers
in Newsletter # 52 (December 8, 2003).
My review of Lee Maynard's SCREAMING WITH THE CANNIBALS appears in the Winter
2004 issue of APPALACHIAN HERITAGE, and I have a long essay-review of five
Keith Maillard novels coming soon in APPALACHIAN JOURNAL.
CANNIBALS takes on the next stage in the life of the narrator of CRUM. CRUM
has a large following of enthusiastic readers, including me. It is the gritty
story of a teenager's life in a tiny town in West Virginia in the early
nineteen fifties. Maynard's new one picks up the story where CRUM left off.
Fans will leap at the opportunity to find out what happened to Jesse– and
yes, the narrator of the first book finally gets a name! Jesse is presented
as a sort of archetype of all those young adventurers who need to see what
is on the other side of the next ridge. He wants to move on, to escape from
everything in his old life. In the final part of this book, he gets as far
as South Carolina where he experiences racism, the ocean, and forgiveness.
The long scene in which Jesse escapes a Kentucky revival meeting with his
soul unsaved and his skin intact is worth the price of the book. He doesn't
find everything he's looking for, but there is more than a hint that Maynard
isn't through with his story. If you happen to be in West Virginia the last
week of April, 2004, Lee will be appearing first at West Virginia University
and then at the Ohio River Book Festival.
Keith Maillard is a very different
writer– where Maynard is always alive to the tradition of the tall tale,
Maillard writes about this quotidian world, and loves the details of history
and photography and even the elaborate clothing of country club women of
fifty years ago. Maillard's home town, Wheeling, West Virginia, is an old
industrial city situated southwest of Pittsburgh, and the model for Maillard's
fictional Raysburg, the setting of ALEX DRIVING SOUTH (1980), LIGHT IN THE
POLKA (2002). Traditional Appalachian life usually appears off stage, and
Maillard's subjects, often highly researched, include an industrial Polish
immigrant community, the Civil War in West Virginia, alcoholism, geography,
and a host of other subjects. I like novels that have information in them,
and Maillard includes lots of it. All his books are worthwhile, but I would
especially like to recommend HAZARD ZONES, in which a damaged man who has
finally obtained a satisfactory life, returns to Raysburg and confronts
memories of the past as well as the revived city.
Writers like Maynard and Maillard
are from West Virginia, but in no way regional: they are the kind of writers
who take the homeplace and use it as a vantage point for surveying the whole
Sue Willis
Rebecca Eldridge writes: "Just
wanted to let you know that I really enjoyed your coverage of Lord Byron.
He has always been my favorite poet, probably because of his dark approach
and controversial history. I've kept a tattered book of his poems since
college and now I want to pull it out and explore his work again (this time
as an adult). Thank you for inspiring me!"
The Shards O'Glass website makes
terrific fun of our friendly tobacco advertisers. Find it at
Take at look at an interesting
small press, Spuyten Duyvil at
Deirdre Hare Jacobson' poem
"Meeting of the Famished" won the Lyric Recovery Prize. To read the poem,
go to
For more about Lyric Recovery (from Maureen Holm and the fine people who
bring you BIG CITY LIT), go to
Shelley Ettinger writes to tell
about a new magazine: "This is a plug for a new literary journal that I'm
very excited about. In my opinion this one deserves support, and I urge
you all to get your hands on a copy. It's called WORD IS BOND, A JOURNAL
OF URBAN POETRY AND PROSE. It is independent, not affiliated with an MFA
program or anything like that. In fact, it aims to distinguish itself from
the literature emanating from academia by 'building a unique literary journal.
One that amplifies the voice of the city, plucking literary gems from the
beautiful diversity that is our urban experience.' (from the introduction)
The poetry and fiction are striking, first-rate. The writers range from
prisoners to poetry slam champions to professors– to me! I'm honored that
a poem of mine is included."
In the East Room
Look, I know that this
has been tough weeks in that country,
but the road is still straight and we will not waver. Our commitment
to freedom is as committed as ever and we will not waver. We
will stay the course over the course of the future, whatever it brings.
That country will be
a peaceful democratic country or I'll know
the reason why. We will defeat violence and terror wherever it raises
its ugly heads. We will show our resolve by staying the course and
not wavering in the face of terror and violence, and our country will be
safer than ever because
they can live in as much peace and freedom as we
ever have, serving the cause of liberty, and freedom, and democracy, and
so on.
We will take resolute action wherever feasible and prudent, and in the interests
of the safety of our people and those around the world, in Asia and in Europe,
who have come to know
that we are as good as our words when it comes to
staying God's course, and not wavering, as we determine our unwavering resolve.
Barbara Crooker writes to remind
us that it is National Poetry Month. She has 5 spring poems up at Poetry
Magazine: as well as 5 poems on "War and Its Aftermath" at NEW WORKS REVIEW at Barbara's home page is at
Lori Bryant-Woolridge has a
new novel out, HITTS & MRS. As always, Lori mixes the expected themes of
popular fiction with serious questions: in this case, can a man and a woman,
attracted to one another, actually choose NOT to leap into bed? Is it possible
for them to create a different kind of relationship? The possibility does
not, by the way, stop the novel from being very sexy. Take a look at Lori's
website at
Her previous novel, READ BETWEEN THE LIES, had an interesting subtheme about
hidden illiteracy.
Roberta Allen will read from
her memoir-in-progress DIFFERENT: An Artist's Erotic Childhood at ABC No
Rio with Joanna Sit & Coree Spencer Sunday, April 25, 7 PM at 156 Rivington
St. (Between Clinton & Suffolk) 212 254-3697 $3.00
SOL MAGAZINE online has mini-poetry

WORD IS BOND is available at
bookstores in Seattle and will soon be more widely available. Order by mail:
from P.O. Box 18304, Seattle, WA 98118. The price is $7 for one issue, $12
for a one-year (two issues) subscription.

# 58
May 13, 2004
When I was a little girl, I read
for the wonder of it– to have adventures, to go places I wouldn't be likely
to go otherwise. When I was a teenager, I read also for How to Live: I had
the idea that books would help me master the coming stages of my life. Literature
departments in universities don't stress these reasons for reading, but
I think that many of us still read for them, at least sometimes Entertainment
is certainly still in fashion in popular and genre novels, but reading fiction
and memoir to learn has an antiquated sound. Of course there is great satisfaction
in literary pleasures like imagery and structure or even the game of figuring
out what is going on. Novels, memoir, and biography are mixed forms, partly
entertainment and partly art. The best do many of these things simultaneously:
puzzle us, take us on adventures, teach us some odds and ends, and maybe
give us some hints about how to proceed through life.
I've read a couple of books
in the last weeks that do these things. AKÉ, the childhood memoir by Nigerian
playwright, novelist, and activist Wole Soyinka, was recommended in this
newsletter by Ingrid Hughes (see another suggestion from her below). This
book is a delightfully strange experience in some ways– you're in the mind
of small but precocious Wole, and it takes a while to sort out the people
who fill his days with their rich variety. He calls his mother Wild Christian
and his father Essay! But part of what is so enjoyable here is that while
everything is surprising and exotic to me the reader, it is also new to
the boy himself. He is such a decided little character, observing and acting
with his whole self. People in Wole's world have a way of seeming wholly
new in different circumstances, too. Thus, his uncle ( I think it's an uncle–
relationships are sometimes puzzling) is first seen as a sort of eccentric
bicycle rider who has an accident and then later as the principal of Wole's
second school, so rigid in his rules that he punishes children over having
left individual blades of grass standing. Then he becomes a sensitive mentor
and friend to the boy. The book ends with a long section about the beginning
of the modern women's movement in Nigeria, told from the child's perspective,
and quite exciting and inspiring.
Reading AKÉ sent me back to
a wonderful book of photographs of African women that was given to us by
our friend Kasumu Salawu. The book, called WINDOWS TO THE SOUL: PHOTOGRAPHS
CELEBRATING AFRICAN WOMEN, is by A. Olusegun Fayemi. Any photography book
is about the beauty of the objects it offers to us, and Fayemi's women have
splendid shoulders and legs and headdresses and smiles. These women are
surely beautiful, but their beauty seems to be something they themselves
own and offer as a gift to the photographer while they go about their work
of cooking, nursing, doctoring, caring for children. Fayemi, a pathologist
as well as a photographer, has a number of beautiful books about Africa.
Look below for his website.
I also finished a biography,
this one a gift from my husband Andy Weinberger, WRAPPED IN RAINBOWS: THE
LIFE OF ZORA NEALE HURSTON by Valerie Boyd. This one has done very well
commercially, and deserves its success: it relates with great verve a complex
life. One of the things that struck me (among many!) was that Hurston was
short of money during much of her life. She flattered and fawned over patrons,
usually white, and frequently failed to make a living from her writing.
She worked at everything from college professor to house cleaner, and the
sequence was not necessarily always toward more wealth and respect. This
is not the point of the book, but the ups and downs of a real life, a wonderful
writer's real life, are very moving.
Finally, I want to recommend
a brand new reprint of a novel from the early 1980's by Joanne Greenberg.
This is the Joanne Greenberg who wrote the famous I NEVER PROMISED YOU A
ROSE GARDEN, which is still in print. This one, SEASON OF DELIGHT, was let
drift out of print long ago by its original publisher. It is a novel that
is unapologetically in the mind of a woman in middle age. She tells her
story in first person present tense, but it is a present tense that is full
of her own personal history and her ruminations on Jewish culture. Grace
Dowben lives in a small town in Pennslyvania that has been her husband's
home his whole life. She has sorrows about children who pulled away from
her, one all the way to California, one to a quasi-Hindu cult– both rejecting
Judaism. She also has a satisfying relationship with her husband, and a
passion for her work as an EMT volunteer. The new element in her life is
her new passion for a young man the age of her son.
This turns out to be one of
those how-to-live novels I used to look for. Grace lives a wonderfully examined
life, and it is this examining, and her insights into middle age that are
so rare and enjoyable (at least to me now!) So many of our new novels are
first novels, and often these are the brilliant, vivid insights of people
in their twenties. The failure of publishers to nourish mid-list novels
has left many brilliant first novel writers of the past under-published
or even unpublished. This is especially sad for those of us who want, among
other reading experiences, to read about people who have lived the stages
we are in or approaching. Thanks thus to Montemayor Press for bringing back
SEASON OF DELIGHT, which is about several different loves, about making
choices, about a very American relationship to Judaism, and also, about
life on the Emergency Medical Care circuit.
Note: Truth in advertising:
Montemayor Press is also one of my publishers: they brought my children's
novels back into print, and they're bringing out my science fiction novel
in the fall.
Sue Willis
My new collection of short stories
set around lakes is now available: DWIGHT'S HOUSE AND OTHER STORIES. For
information, see
Ardian Gill says: "Perhaps I'm
drawn to stories of survival and hope, but I wanted to tell you that I've
seldom been so impressed by such a story as I was with Helen Dunmore's THE
SIEGE. It's about the siege of Leningrad (St. Petersburg) during WW2. Fine
technique, wonderful portraits of the main characters and, above all, the
description of the strength of the human spirit in adversity. The focus
of the story is a young boy, hardly old enough to understand what's going
on, and a young woman's struggle to keep him alive. The boy's father, an
aging poet, widowed but tended by a friend/mistress also inhabit the tiny
apartment. They struggle not only with food and fuel shortages but with
the corruption and incompetence of those in power and, of course, the paranoia
and intramural spying that was characteristic of the communist regime. The
old man often quotes Pushkin, and that led me to read that writer, whom
I somehow missed in the past. I'm enjoying him but so far I'll take the
other Russians."
Ingrid Hughes writes: "In my
continuing examination of memoirs, I read the NAZI OFFICER'S WIFE: HOW ONE
WOMAN SURVIVED THE Edith Hahn Beer with Susan Dworkin. This
is a holocaust book by a Viennese woman who managed to avoid the death camps
and instead worked as a laborer in various jobs, and then married a Nazi
who fell in love with her, and was protected by him for two years. The book
is well-written, with Susan Dworkin's help, and tells the story of life
within Austria and Germany in the years before, after and during the war.
I recommend it highly, despite a mild sense of anti-climax after the Russian
From Deirdre Hare Jacobson:
"I don't know if this novel has been highlighted in back issues of the newsletter,
but I thought I'd mention it anyway: THE BONE PEOPLE, by Keri Hulme, is
an oceanic, muscular, fiercely beautiful book. It begins in a prologue of
fragmented poetry and then spears into the story proper– that of an isolated
Maori-Scottish woman who discovers a small boy hiding in her house and thereby
enters into the lives of the boy and his foster father. Maori culture and
language figure prominently, as do the themes of alienation and community,
and love entangled with violence.
A terrific bargain: the first
hard copy issue of the year-old literary magazine is only $10 for a terrific
collection of fiction, nonfiction, drama, poetry, and photography. There
is an interview with John Edgar Wideman and writing by Elizabeth Gaffney,
Carole Rosenthal, Paola Corso, Rick Rofihe and many others. See
Roberta Allen is offering a
5 session summer writing workshop for those in the New York City area: 2x
a month, 7:30-10 PM, Mondays: June 7, June 21, July 5, July 19, Aug. 2 She
will do exercises, but concentrate on revisions of both fiction and nonfiction
She is also offering a Playful
Way Writing Intensive Sat. June 12, 12-4:30 PM. $100 For more information,
go to her website at
Another of my publishers, good
people, interesting books: RUNNING THROUGH FIRE by Zosia Goldberg. Go to
She writes: "This one's just
for fun. If you seek a few minutes' relief from the horrors of empire and
our struggle against it, perhaps you'd enjoy my story "The Chicken Situation,"
just published in the new issue of La Petite Zine. Here's the link: (Story's title and concept courtesy of La Comandante. Thank you, darling.)"
Columnist Sarah Green, a university
student, offers this summer reading list for Brown students (from the BROWN
DAILY HERALD, April 30, 2004):
1. Margaret Atwood, "The Handmaid's
2. Marion Zimmer Bradley, "Mists of Avalon"
3. Mikhail Bulgakov, "The Master and Margarita"
4. Sarah Caudwell, "The Sybil in her Grave"
5. Paulo Coelho, "The Alchemist"
6. Louis de Berniers, "The War of Don Emmanuel's Nether Parts"
7. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, "The Complete Sherlock Holmes"
8. F. Scott Fitzgerald, "The Great Gatsby"
9. Joseph Heller, "Catch 22"
10. Rachel Ingalls, "Mrs. Caliban"
11. Milan Kundera, "Ignorance"
12. Wally Lamb, "I Know This Much Is True"
13. C.S. Lewis, "'Til We Have Faces"
14. Alan Lightman, "Einstein's Dreams"
15. Gabriel Garcia Marquez, "One Hundred Years of Solitude"
16. Ann Patchett, "Bel Canto"
17. Tom Robbins, "Jitterbug Perfume"
18. J.K. Rowling, "Harry Potter"
19. Salman Rushdie, "Midnight's Children"
20. Dorothy Sayers, "Clouds of Witness"
21. Michael Shaara, "The Killer Angels"
22. John Steinbeck, "East of Eden"
23. J.R.R. Tolkien, "The Lord of the Rings" and "The Hobbit"
24. Faye Weldon, "The Life and Loves of a She-Devil"
25. Edith Wharton, "The House of Mirth." .
# 59
June 14, 2004
The Summer 2004 issue of the
This one is all poetry, edited by Halvard Johnson, with poems by Hugh Seidman,
Alvin Greenberg, Jordan Davis, Harriet Zinnes, Edward Field, Gene Frumkin,
Zan Ross, Barry Alpert. and Mary Rising Higgins.
My new collection of short stories
set around lakes is now available: DWIGHT'S HOUSE AND OTHER STORIES. The
MIDWEST REVIEW said: "Focusing on believable characters put in paralyzing
dilemmas, these tales examine the troubling paradoxes of the human condition
with sympathy and synchronicity.... Highly recommended." For more information,
I have had an incredibly busy
spring– three trips to West Virginia, for starters, and it isn't over yet.
I'm still teaching a workshop at NYU and finishing up a job with middle-schoolers
at Maple Avenue School in Newark, New Jersey. One of the things I especially
value about the wide variety of my teaching is that I get to read everything
from highly accomplished literary novels-in-process to the sharp insights
and imagery of children in neighborhoods that aren't supposed to be literary
at all.
As much as I enjoy the reading
for work, however, I look forward to reading just for me. One of the first
things I do as soon as I get a break in teaching is to go to some used book
bin and pull out whatever catches my interest– I don't analyze why I'm interested,
I just indulge my impulses. This is one of the greatest pleasures I know:
an array of books, thumbing through the pages, looking for familiar names,
looking for unfamiliar names. Sometimes, I do the same thing in my own library
and choose something to reread.
The book I pulled out of NYU's
bookstore bin last week was THE MUTUAL FRIEND by Frederick Busch, a retelling
of the last days of Charles Dickens mostly through the eyes of the man who
managed his last reading tour of the U.S. This was a tremendous amount of
fun for about two thirds of the book, but I found something repetitive and
even self-indulgent in the final section. I'm not completely sure what bothered
me, but I had the feeling it was really about Busch contemplating his own
death through the character George Dolby contemplating Dickens' death. Nothing
intrinsically wrong with that, but it went on too long without much modulation
of tone.
This book led me to reread the
long last chapter of Fred Kaplan's DICKENS: A BIOGRAPHY, more or less to
clarify the facts. I wanted to know which characters in the novel were from
real life, and I found a photograph of the actual George Dolby, as well
as photos of Dickens' mistress Ellen Ternan, Dickens' daughters, etc. I
felt vaguely ashamed of myself for turning from fiction (my own art!) to
biography. I hope this was a failure of Busch's novel rather than some change
in me–I've loved fiction too long!
A historical novel that I found
generally satisfying was Judith Freeman's RED WATER, centered on three of
the wives of John Lee, a Mormon leader executed for his participation in
the Mountain Meadow Massacre of non-Mormon or "gentile" emigrants. For reasons
that are still disputed, a group of Mormons and their Indian allies slaughtered
a large party of settlers, except for a few children. John Lee, husband
of 19 wives and father of 60 plus children, was tried and executed for the
crime twenty years later. The novel isn't perfect, but it does a solid job
of imagining the physically and spiritually difficult lives of Mormon women
in the nineteenth century. I was really fascinated by the story, but also
by the information about the old Mormon belief system and about polygamy.
I'm planning to read another of Freeman's books, THE CHINCHILLA FARM.
I have one more recommendation,
of an article, this time, which brings me back to my role as teacher. The
article, by poet and scholar Natasha Sajé, is called "Who Are We to Judge?
The Politics of Literary Evaluation" (THE WRITERS CHRONICLE, Volume 36,
Number 6, May/Summer 2004, pp 24-32.). It helped me clarify how I approach
the work I read, both for pleasure and as a teacher. The point of the article,
aside from giving a quick overview of groups of critical theory, is about
how you need to take into account why the writer is writing as you approach
a work. I mentioned tentatively last issue that I sometimes still read for
How To Live, and how that feels old fashioned sometimes. Sajé helped me
by giving me a name for that reason to read: the Pragmatic theory of literature–
that literature should be useful, with a social purpose. She names three
other general theories: mimetic (art should show us the real world); expressive
(artists have a special connection to emotions– the emotion erupts spontaneously);
and objective (the reader should focus strictly on the work, its unity,
balance, coherence, etc.– the so-called New Criticism and much recent criticism
falls in this category). There is a good bibliography, too.
One of her amusing anecdotes
is about being in a reading group of professors and nonacademics, and how
differently the people responded to what they read: the professors wanted
to stick with the work itself, the nonprofessional readers wanted to talk
about their lives, and what the book reminded them of, whether or not it
was like real life, etc. Thank goodness we don't have to live our lives
by theory: that is, I can read for entertainment today (a recent reread
of Elmore Leonard's GET SHORTY) and for artistic balance and emotion tomorrow
(don't miss the poetry in the new issue of THE HAMILTON STONE REVIEW). Perhaps
one day soon I'll find that novel that teaches me how to live the next part
of my life.
Sue Willis
Allen writes, "I've read a ton of memoirs since I started writing
my own and would like to recommend: MY BROTHER by Jamaica Kincaid, STRIP
CITY by Lili Burana, DON'T LET'S GO TO THE DOGS TONIGHT by Alexandra Fuller.
I could go on and on. Right now I'm finishing BOYHOOD by J.M. Coetzee, which
is a very good one. (I didn't think I'd like it because he wrote it in third
person). Some other memoirs by men that stay with me are RUNNING WITH SCISSORS
by Augusten Burroughs and MY DARK PLACES by James Ellroy. Again, I could
go on and on. All these books are very different but have strong, distinctive
Ettinger says: "I've been meaning to write you about several books....
Over the three-day weekend I read NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU PROMISE TO COOK
–yes that's really the title-- by Edgardo Vega Yunque. It's a big fat sprawling,
very ambitious novel that has a grand vision and takes in a great deal of
U.S. history and takes on a great many social issues. It's full of long
digressions, every character gets a detailed back story that touches on
all kinds of stuff, he breaks all the rules like showing not telling and
gets away with it, it's old-fashioned in its great heart and compassion
and utter lack of irony. It shouldn't work but it does. It was published
last fall by Farrar Straus."
Tom Butler's
story "Everything Gets Heavy" is up and available for reading at
There is also info about where to send for the print version (Volume V).
Rochelle Ratner has a number of new works online as well as additions to her website. Go
Rochelle has just been appointed to the Marsh Hawk Press editorial board.
McConnell has a story in the latest BELLEVUE LITERARY REVIEW. For
information, go to
Johnson, poetry editor of THE HAMILTON STONE REVIEW, writes: "A couple
things of mine have just gone online, so I thought I'd let you know about
them now. Both require Acrobat Reader 4.0 or better, free from Acrobat at The first item is The Sonnet Project, now available for reading and downloading
from Jukka-Pekka Kervinen's xPress(ed) [].
The second is a poem called "Ambulance," which was published in the current
issue of BELLEVUE LITERARY REVIEW and is now up on the BLR website at"
A terrific bargain: the first
hard copy issue of the year-old literary magazine is only $10 for a terrific
collection of fiction, nonfiction, drama, poetry, and photography. There
is an interview with John Edgar Wideman and writing by Elizabeth Gaffney,
Carole Rosenthal, Paola Corso, Rick Rofihe and many others. See
Ellen Bass writes to tell us about the San Juan Workshops July 10-18, 2004. The faculty
includes Ellen Bass, Robert Olen Butler, Scott Cairns, Dennis Covington
, Lee Gutkind, Li-Young Lee, Lee Martin, Melanie Rae Thon, and Susan Vreeland.
The goal of the San Juan Workshops is to remove writers from the hectic
pace of everyday life and give them the inspiration, space, and quiet
to attend to their writing. For more information or to register online,
visit our website: or phone: (806)438-2385..
# 60
July 9, 2004

Mike Stanton's book, THE PRINCE
OF PROVIDENCE, is about Buddy Cianci, Rhode Island's double-felon long-time
mayor. For those of us who pay our taxes and use credit cards and checks
for our business dealings (as opposed to manila envelopes stuffed with
large denomination bills), this book opens up a wide view of another way
of doing business and government. In the Providence, Rhode Island of Mayor
Cianci, cash trumps bureaucracy, political loyalty results in jobs for
you and your family, and government is not simply influenced by the rich,
it functions on a fee-for-service basis. I suppose you could make a case
that rich corporations lobby legally with similar results.
My son Joel, who goes to college
in Providence, bought the book for my husband, but I read it thinking
to get to know the town where he's spending four years. It's quite a read–
entertaining and depressing all at once, a journalist's work: written
in a comfortably rambling and occasionally repetitive style, but also
gripping. I was especially caught up in the narrative of Cianci's 2002
RICO trial, known as the "Plunder Dome" scandal.
At the same time, Cianci's
years in and out of power in Providence have coincided with a downtown
renaissance – the founding of theater companies, the creation of beautiful
public spaces, a giant upscale mall. Cianci himself is still wildly popular
among many of his former constituents. A smart man, naturally warm and
gregarious (he quipped that he would happily attend the opening of an
envelope), full of ideas and the ability to inspire people, yet, according
to the painstaking research behind this book– deeply and unmistakably
In contrast, I reread a wonderful
novel in which good and evil are very clear. Probably the most famous
novel by a native of West Virginia, Davis Grubb's THE NIGHT OF THE HUNTER
holds up very well more than fifty years after it was published. The totally
weird thing is how clearly I remember scenes from this novel that I first
read when I was in my teens– maybe because I also saw the movie, which
sticks remarkably closely to the book. I even remember sentences– an old
drunk sees a corpse under water with a sliced open throat "like an extry
mouth." A lot of it is sentimental, and there are some one-dimensional
characters, but at least the children's mother, Willa, comes across as
more interesting in the book than in the movie, where the part was played
by Shelley Winters, a great old dame, but maybe not the best choice for
a Depression Era West Virginian.
What really works, though,
still and chillingly, is how the threat to the children goes on and on
like a nightmare. I remember being shocked when I first read it that one
escape from Preacher isn't enough– the harrowing scene when John and Pearl
flee through the weeds and muck to the skiff and out onto the river seems
like a climax– until you realize that Preacher is still tracking the children.
Everything the kids do, too, is on target: John throws a brush at Preacher,
goes running to the Men in Blue at the end, confessing everything– fully
believable as a child's action. Grubb was totally confident as he wrote
this book– a popular novel that, I believe, will chill readers for a long
time to come.
And, gentle readers, what
books are filling your long hot days of summer 2004?
– Meredith Sue
Deirdre Hare Jacobson is reading
on Monday, July 12 at the Cornelia Street Café in Manhattan from 6 to
8 p.m.
Belinda Anderson offers a
September workshop in Greenville, West Virginia. Take a look at "Creative
Writing at Creekside" at This is a Retreat for Women: "Develop your talent as a writer with Belinda's
warm supportive approach. She offers encouragement to beginners and guidance
for more mature writers. Participants are guided through exercises to
get the creative process going in fiction, non-fiction and poetry as well
as tips on writing rituals and publication."
I'm offering a four session
online writing course that begins September 7. For more information, see
Ardian Gill writes to say he
enjoyed reading in Issue #59 about Dickens and his American tour. Dickens
was not, however, says Ardian, "an accurate reporter: he described a brick
hotel overlooking the Mississippi River as a ramshackle cabin in a swamp.
And he said the American habit of spitting was universal." He recommends
as the definitive biography Edgar Johnson's CHARLES DICKENS, HIS TRAGEDY
AND TRIUMPH. He says, "My favorite Dickens is actually his TRAVELS IN
ITALY. He was a cinematographer before there were movies."
Ardian also recommends "a
little book by Graham Greene, THE CONFIDENTIAL AGENT. It's early, 1937
I think. For shifts in point of view, turnings, introduction of new characters
brilliantly sketched, it's a tour de force. Reminds me a bit in that respect
of Faulkner's AS I LAY DYING."
I mentioned a book last issue
by Judith Freeman called RED WATER, a historical novel about the Mormons.
Now I want to recommend Freeman's latest (the paperback came out in 2003),
THE CHINCHILLA FARM. I enjoyed this a lot, for its insight into modern
Mormonism, but mostly for its stolid protagonist with her reflective,
sometimes almost sluggish quality. She wades through her life not asking
for a whole lot, but observing closely and remembering what matters. Over
the course of the book she puts together a family made of various people
she meets to replace the big traditional one she leaves. The ending is
lively and surprising, and no more arbitrary than most of what happens
every day.
The Summer 2004 online issue
of EPIPHANY up at
Ed Davis, whose novel I WAS
SO MUCH OLDER THEN was discussed in issue # 26, has a website worth exploring
at: I described
his novel as a "gripping, sad story of a family living in rented rooms
in urban West Virginia" with lots of "damaged, struggling, but extremely
colorful characters."
Here's a book I've just ordered
because I liked the author's first, prize winning collection of short
stories: LAUREN'S LINE by Sondra Spatt Olsen from The University Press
of Mississippi. Learn more at
I received a post card announcing
a book by Stephen R. Moore, who has a website about himself and his novel,
It is a gay coming-of-age-in-New Jersey novel.
The Summer 2004 issue of the
This one is all poetry, edited by Halvard Johnson, with poems by Hugh
Seidman, Alvin Greenberg, Jordan Davis, Harriet Zinnes, Edward Field,
Gene Frumkin, Zan Ross, Barry Alpert. and Mary Rising Higgins.
is live at
As part of the issue are free e-books, including COYOTE'S ENGINES by Halvard
Johnson with cover art by Roger C. Miller.
Shelley Ettinger has an exuberant
tulip poem online at
Barbara Crooker's latest work
can be found at
Ellen Bass will have a poem
featured on Poetry Daily on Monday, July 12, at
My new collection of short
stories set around lakes, DWIGHT'S HOUSE AND OTHER STORIES, is now available.
The MIDWEST REVIEW said: "Focusing on believable characters put in paralyzing
dilemmas, these tales examine the troubling paradoxes of the human condition
with sympathy and synchronicity.... Highly recommended." For more information,
E. Lee North, author of THE
VIRGINIA. This book sounds like it will be very interesting– making the
case that the real Virginia is what we now know as West Virginia.
The largest unionized bookstore in America has a webstore at Powells Books. Some people prefer shopping online there to shopping at An alternative way to reach Powell's site and support the union is via Prices are the same but 10% of your purchase will go to support the union benefit fund. For a discussion about Amazon and organized labor and small presses, see the comments of Jonathan Greene and others in Issues #97 and #98 .
If a book discussed in this newsletter has no source mentioned, don’t forget your public library and your local independent bookstore.
To buy books online, I often go first to Bookfinder or Alibris. Bookfinder has a feature that tells you the book price WITH shipping and handling, so you can compare what you’re really going to have to pay.
A lot of people whose political instincts I respect prefer the unionized bricks-and-mortar bookstore Powells (see "About" above) that sells online at Another good source for used and out-of-print books is All Book Stores at .
Take a look also at Paperback Book Swap, a low cost (postage only) way to get rid of your old books and get new ones by trading with other readers.
If you are using an electronic reader like Kindle, Nook, or Kobo, get free books at the Gutenberg Project-- most classics, and other things as well. Libraries now lend e-books too!
Please send responses and suggestions directly to Meredith Sue Willis at Unless you instruct otherwise, your responses may be edited for length and published in this newsletter.
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