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[Housekeeping for Prose Narrative January 2025]       For a lot more links, go here.


Today is


Past Meredith Sue Willis Appearances

(This is older news. Click here for newer news.)

(Click here for upcoming appearances and classes)



8-13-22  The Big Picture: Structuring the Long Prose Narrative. Meredith Sue Willis's private workshops, strictly limited in size. To learn about these classes, see details here.
2-13-22 Ethical Culture Program: Alice Robinson-Gilman interviewed MSW about how she got involved with the South Orange/Maplewood Community Coalition on Race, and what she learned there.
1-15-22 An Online Workshop on Scene in Narrative Prose. For an 11 minute video lecture from this workshop, click here.
12-20-21 New story online by MSW: "Fan Fiction: Paradise Lost" at the Maryland Literary Review (2021 Fall/Winter Issue)
10-19-21: Morgantown Writers Publishing & Podcasts Workshop: "Telling the Story to Find It."
9-15-21 New story online:"Grandma Shiksa" at Persimmon Tree
2021 Reprint of an article by Dean Schneider at Teachers & Writers on using MSW's books on writing with middle school students
July 31 2021 new review of Saving Tyler Hake by Rachel King at
5-12-21 Stories with Soul
MSW's story "Elvissa and the Rabbi" was read by Birgit Matzerath at the long-running short story reading group, "Stories with Soul." For more information on the weekly Zoom story readings, email Teresa Brooks at She says, "We're happy to continue to meet together for SWS on Zoom in these times. Each Wednesday you'll be emailed the link for that evening's session, which will open at 6:30pmET. We encourage you to sign-in at 6:30pm ET, if possible. Our readings begin promptly at 6:45pm."
Monday March 15, 2021

3-15-21 MSW read with Ellen Birkett Morris at Carter Seaton's
"Writers Can Read" (by Zoom)
12-28-20 new review of Soledad in the Desert at Review Tales.
12-26-20 New Review of Saving Tyler Hake in Southern Literary Review
Review of "Saving Tyler Hake" by Rebekah Ferrell in Books for Readers Newsletter #211, October 2020.
Fall 2020: Two new books of fiction by Meredith Sue Willis.
Click on the image for a direct link to the book's publisher.

Coalition on Race Zoom Celebration 10-17-20

  • Charleston (WV) Gazette-Mail book round up includes MSW's latest.
  • Tyler Hake is a 10th grader in Southern West Virginia. He needs to be saved because, after the community uproar surrounding the death of his father, Mason Hake, a Gulf War veteran, Tyler brings Mason's blood-stained shirt to school. The plot thickens when one of Mason's classmates shows up unexpectantly in her hometown and seems to be joining with his teachers in offering support to Tyler....Since 1979 when Charles Scribner's Sons brought out her first novel, Meredith Sue Willis has been West Virginia's most prolific and versatile author, well-known and well-loved for her willingness to share what she knows and to encourage the state's prospective writers.
                                       -- George Brosi, Appalachian Mountain books
  • 9-23-20 MSW interviewed by Carter Seaton on Chapters. See the Youtube.




Late November 2018, MSW read with Diane Simmons at Jefferson Market Library in New York City.

Cat Pleska Meredith Sue Willis

Pictures above from fall 2018 book tour for Their Houses include Cat Pleska interviews MSW on "West Virginia Authors;" Septemer 2018 reading at reading at Fairmont State University; October 2018 reading at Words Bookstore in Maplewood, New Jersey; workshop at the 2018 West Virginia Book Festival in Charleston, WV. Read all about it on my book tour blog!


  • 5-16-19 Meredith Sue Willis was the featured speaker in Charleston for the WV LibraryCommission's "Letters About Literature." This is a national program in which students from 4th through 12th grade read books and write letters to an author about how the book affected them. It was very moving to see dozens of West Virginiia young people from Wheeling to Nicholas County to Charleston and Hurricane and everywhere beyond and between. The Library Commission staff did a great job.

    The picture is of me with Bethany Nutter, who was the Top Honors winner for the high school section and will be going on to Washington to represent West Virginia.






  • October 26, 2018 Making Your Novel All It Can Be at the WV Book Fair, Charleston, West Virginia
  • Tuesday, October 16, 2018: Words Bookstore in Maplewood, New Jersey: read about it on my book tour blog.

Write Group in Montclair10-11-18
  • Thursday, October 11, 2018: MSW visited the Write Group in Montclair, NJ--wonderful community of writers who support and critique each other in more than 30 free gatherings a month: check 'em out! Read more in my Book Tour Blog.


Cat Pleska interviews MSW for "West Virginia Authors."


WV WRiters logo
June 10 - 12, 2016 At West Virginia Writers Conference at Cedar Lakes, near Ripley, West Virginia. See my blog. Great week-end giving workshops, seeing old friends, and walking with my sticks.

msw at conversations on race 5-11-16
May 11, 2016 At the South Orange/Maplewood Community Coaliton on Race's Conversations on Race with Dr. Beverly Daniel Tatum
Tuesday, May 3, 2016 MSW was a guest author on Monique Raphel High's Facebook Celebration of the reissue of her entire catalog of historical fiction from Penner books.
April 26, 2016    MSW visited the Write Group at the Montclair Library in Montclair, New Jersey, to discuss  aspects of craft and to read from her work. 

March and April 2016: MSW was visiting author at Park Ridge High School in Park Ridge New Jersey.



December 2015: The Ethical Culture Society of Essex County held a book party for MSW's new novel, Meli's Way on Saturday, December 12. Photo is of her reading. Meli's Way is available from Montemayor Press or online from  or Barnes & Noble.
Fall 2015: Read terrific reviews of Meli's Way on the review page.


October 2015: Meli's Way was the featured book for October 2015 on Armored Oxfords!

Summer 2015

Appalachia Now Book Cover Image
Anthology of contemporary Appalachian fiction called Appalachia Now: Short Stories of Contemporary Appalalchia from Bottom Dog Press. I'm honored to have a story inside it alongside Darnell Arnoult, Marie Manilla, Charles Dodd White, Rusty Barnes, Mark Powell, Chris Holbrook, Chris Offutt, and many others!
Spring 2015    MSW was visiting scholar for a Literature and Medicine seminar at  the VA New Jersey Health Care System East Orange Campus.
2-26-15 David Weinberger featured a syllabus of MSW's on his blog.
2-16-15  Latest Five Star Review of Love Palace on
12-21-14 "Love Palace Warms a Cold Night" --review of Love Palace by Cat Pleska at the Charleston Gazette!
12-7-14 "Rediscovering Pearl S. Buck" at the Ethical Culture Society of Essex County, Maplewood, NJ.
11-24-14 MSW in the news:
11-13-14 MSW gave a workshop on starting your novel and an "Hour with the Author" at the Henry Carter Hull library in Clinton, Connecticut.
7-21-14: MSW's story "Little Harlots" was discussed at "Get Lit: Short Story Soirée" in South Orange, New Jersey.
Joho the Blog (David Weinberger) wrote about Oradell at Sea. He says it's about "the big theme of what stays with us as we get to what we become."
The last week of June, 2014, MSW gave a talk on Pearl S. Buck at the Buck birthplace; workshops for the public and for writers at the 18th annual Allegheny Echoes Bluegrass Music Summer Workshops; a reading at Allegheny Echoes; and workshops at High Rocks, aspecial camp for young women from three West Virginia Counties:
MSW's short story "Sheherezade and Dunzyad," collected in Re-Visions, was translated into Arabic by Mohammad Abd alhalim Khanyam and appeared online in Elaph, republished in AlHilal Magazine (Cairo, Egypt, as a hard copy). It was used in a comparative literature class at Kuwait University, and the professor tells me that the students are impressed to see the influence of their culture on American literature in the twenty first century.
Late spring 2014: MSW judged the contest for Pearl S. Buck Award for Writing for Social Change for the West Virginia Writers.
MSW was interviewed about the South Orange Maplewood Community Coalition on Race.
Scholarly article on Oradell at Sea: “A life of ‘Unfinished Business’:Cursed Inheritance and Blessed Heritage in Meredith Sue Willis’s Oradell at Sea” by Sarah Dufaure in Thy Truth Then Be Thy Dowry: Questions of Inheritance in American Women’s Literature, Stéphanie Durrans (ed.), Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014, pp. 199-211.


Oradell At Sea is also an ebook from Irene Weinberger Books (and still in print as a hard copy from West Virginia University Press ).
New from Foreverland Press-- Meredith Sue Willis's Love PalaceAvailable in All E-book formats.
“A Combination of Small Town and Long Perspective: An Interview with Appalachian Writer Meredith Sue Willis" by Sarah Dufaure in the current issue of Appalachian Journal (VOLUME 40, NOS. 3 & 4 (Spring-Summer 2013).
New Story at Persimmon Tree-- MSW's "Feral Grandmothers: Little Red's."
March 21, 2014 Guest Speaker at the Newark, NJ Museum: The Power of Nostalgia and Memory.
Out of the past: a television interview of MSW just after the publication of her first novel, A Space Apart, in 1979.









December 12, 2013: South Orange, NJ Public Library Discussion Group lecture: "A Writer Looks at Reading and the Future of Books."
November 2013: MSW visited the Summers County, West Virginia, book reading group at the Summers County, Library.
MSW taught the fiction master class at the 2013 Mountain Heritage Literary Festival festival, June 14-16, 2013 at Lincoln Memorial University in Harrogate, Tennessee.
"Meredith Sue Willis '69 Interviewed in West Virginia Living" on Barnard Alumnae. (Printable Version here).
"Conversations with Meredith Sue Willis" by Laura Treacy Bentley, WV Living: Celebrating Life in the Mountain State, Spring 2013
4-21-13 MSW received the Davis-Jackson award as an alumna of the Harrison County, WV, Schools. Read the article in the Clarksburg Exponent-Telegram.
April 2013: MSW received a Faculty Service Award from New York University for 30 years of adjunct teaching at the School of Continuing and Professional Studies.
4-16-13 Below: acting the part of a mean teacher, MSW participated in a role play with high school students at the South Orange/Maplewood Community Coalition on Race's Cultural Competency workshop.

2013 A new, updated edition of Blazing Pencils fromMontemayor Press!
4-11-13: Playwrights Theatre of New Jersey blog on Blazing Pencils.
3-26-13 Foreverland Press ran a virtual book party to celebrate publication of the new e-book version of A Space Apartas well as Duff Brenna's memoir. You can still see the conversations and even add comments on Facebook. Just Scroll down to find it.
E-book of: Dwight's House and Other Stories
"Conversations with Meredith Sue Willis" by Laura Treacy Bentley, WV Living: Celebrating Life in the Mountain State, Spring 2013, p. 61.
Foreverland Presshas re-published Meredith Sue Willis's A Space Apart (FirstPublished by Charles Scribner's Sons) in all l E-Book Formats with a new afterword by the author.Said Ann Tyler: “A Space Apart is so deftly and subtly written, hardly noticed how involved I’d become until I’d read the last page and turned it, wanting more.”“An important new talent,” said The Kirkus Reviews. A noteworthy first novel,” said  Publisher’s Weekly. Library Journal said, "Narratively skilled and disciplined, this is an impressive debut." $4.99 for Kindle    for Nook     for All E-Reader formats




MSW's review of A Summer Ago, a novel by George Scarbrough, Appalachian Journal, Volume 39 Numbers 3-4, Spring/Summer 2012, p. 372.
MSW's review of Lee Maynard's The Scummers is in Now & Then: The Appalachian Magazine, Winter 2013, Vol. 28, No. 2.
Article about using a revision exercise from MSW's Deep Revision (Jennifer Kayton, 1-31-13)
MSW's article "Seven Layers to Revising Your Novel" is in the November/December 2012 issue of The Writer Magazine (Vol. 125, Issue 11),
August 3, 2012: Terry Gross quoted MSW on NPR's Fresh Air. She was interviewing Lee Maynard. For the whole piece as an MP3, click here.
Review of Out of the Mountains by Diane Simmons, Appalachian Journal: A Regional Studies Review, Volume 39, Numbers 1-2, Fall 2011/Winter 2012, p. 179.
Review of Out of the Mountains by Valerie Nieman at Good Reads
May 11, 2012: MSW at Bridgeport, WV library signing map of WV authors; Phyllis Moore and MSW

MSW's piece on Barbara Kingsolver's The Lacuna appeared in the Spring 2012 issue of The Iron Mountain Review
A life style article on Shinnston, West Virginia, (in West Virginia Living) that quotes MSW!
May 8, 2012 -- A wonderful new review of MSW's book Re-Visions by Diane Simmons at Books by Women
March 15, 2012-- MSW spoke on "Can the Novel Be Political?" at the South Orange Public Library Discussion Group at the South Orange, NJ Public Library, 65 Scotland Road, South Orange, New Jersey.
February 18, 2012 MSW read at the Third Saturday Salon from her newbook of short stories, Re-Visions: Stories from Stories, in aninformal salon setting.
Article in The Ocean Star of Point Pleasant Beach, New Jersey Friday January 20, 2012
In January 2012, my name is up in lights! Or at least in Plastic letters...
January 2012: Point Pleasant Beach, New Jerser

Platform address at the Ethical Culture Society of Essex County on Barbara Kingsolver's The Lacuna.   Here is a "Vimeo" of the talk.
Article in Maplewood Patch, 12-29-11.
Bucknell Magazine calls Re-Visions  "highly original."
Meredith Sue Willis's Re-visions was called "an ideal addition to any general community library collection" by the Mid West Book Review in the November 2011 issue.
Excellent Review of Out of the Mountains in the Fall 2011 issue of The Georgia Review.
New review by Ed Davis of MSW's latest book Re-visions in the November 2011 issue of Gently Read Literature.


The Barbara Kingsolver Festival presenters-- Fall 2011 Emory & Henry College. Lleft to right: Linda Wagner-Martin; MSW; Barbara Kingsolver; Steve Fisher; Sandy Ballard
Review of Re-Visions by Alan Appel (author of Club Revelation and High Holiday Sutra) at Good Reads.

Update on MSW and other past presenters at the WV Book Festival.
September 29 - 30, 2011 MSW gave a paper at the Emory & Henry College's 30th Literary Festival celebrating Barbara Kingsolver on Kingsolver's The Lacuna as a political novel.
August 2011 MSW's article on Jump Start Your Novel appeared on Laura Bentley's "Open Mic" blog with Q & A

Article on MSW Presentation at Clarksville Writers Conference
MSW presented workshops at the Clarksville Writers Conference July 13-15, 2011, in Clarksville, Tennessee. Photos by Bill Larson of the Clarksville, Tennessee publication


MSW was the keynote speaker as well as giving workshops and a reading at the 33rd annual West Virginia Writers Conference at Cedar Lakes, West Virginia, June 10 - 12, 2011.

MSW, Lee Maynard, and Cat Pleska
Image by Dreama Frisk

Podcast interview with MSW by Eric Fritzius






A radio review of Out of the Mountains by Roberta Schultz aired on an NPR affiliate in Cincinnati (WVXU 91.7 FM) on May 15, 2011.  The program was AROUND CINCINNATI at , and the review is here.
Short short Story "Decorations" in Hard Copy Spring 2011 issue of Slab
Flash fiction "Rescue" online at
Interview with MSW by Fourth Graders in Spring 2011 Issue of The Tuscan Tiger Times from Tuscan School in Maplewood, New Jersey.


MSW workshop "Revising Your Novel" at the NYU Bookstore on April 12, 2011.


March 14, 2011, MSW read from Out of the Mountains at Teachers & Writers with Edith Konecky. Image is of signing books afterward.


New Pages posted a Review of Out of the Mountains on January 19, 2011 that called the book "full of engaging plot and rich characters. Strongly evocative of place. "
In his Fried Chicken and Coffee blog of 1-16-11, Rusty Barnes calls the stories in Out of the Mountains "finely crafted."
The Baton Rouge Advocate reviewed Out of the Mountains January 16, 2011-- said "Pick up this book and read it a story at a time....You won’t be the same after you do."
Did you know? Writers' Digest put MSW's Writing Exercises Page on its list of 101 Best Websites for Writers! See the article on Maplewood Patch .
December 4, 2010, Ethical Culture Society of Essex County, Maplewood, New Jersey--Meredith Sue Willis was honored with a book signing and reading-- with West Virginia made wine-- and moonshine.This event was sponsored by 3rd Saturday Arts Night. (Photo of MSW responding during Q & A after reading)
Charleston Gazette review of Out of the Mountains December 3, 2010 by Phyllis Moore.

Out of the Mountains was nominated for a Weatherford Award, the prestigious and long-standing (since 1970) award for Appalachian literature, sponsored by the Appalachian Studies Association and Berea College. The website is Appalachian Studies Association and Berea College.
MSW appeared at the Kentucky Book Fair in Frankfort, Kentucky on November 13, 2010
MSW spoke on "Writing Out of the Mountains" at the Annual Authors' Luncheon of the Woman's Club of Little Falls, New Jersey on November 9, 2010.
MSW was a guest blogger on In This Light, writing about
choosing a book cover.

MSW signing books at the October 16, 2010, West Virginia Book Festival at the Civic Center in Charleston, WV. She also gave a workshop on "Ten Strategies to Start Your Novel." (photo by Dory Adams). For a fun live blog of the event (lots of authors, not just MSW!) click here.



Comments on Out of the Mountains at Readin and at In This Lightblogs.
Interview with MSW on Creative Writing Now.
MSW read at Words Bookstore in Maplewood, New Jersey on September 24, 2010.
MSW was part of a platform with Zia Durrani and Mira Stillman on William Dalrymple's Nine Lives at the Ethical Culture Society of Essex County on September 19, 2010.
Ten Strategies to Write Your Novel was showcased by Writers' Journal (September/October 2010 issue: "Books for the Writers' Bookshelf")
Booklist praised Out of the Mountains
MSW at the West Virginia Book Festival: Shouts and Hollers and in the Charleston Gazette .
Latest Review of Ten Strategies to Write Your Novel
Interview/Review of Ten Strategies to Write Your Novel
First review of short story collection, Out of the Mountains
MSW taught "Silver Scribes," a workshop for seniors in Little Falls, NJ from May through July, 2010.
Seated, from left, Marie Speziale, Rose Van Heest, Paul Van Heest, Basia Jaworski; Standing, from left, Anthony Taschler, Charlotte Eitel, MSW, Frances Schimpf, Irene Hunt, Rosalie Paddock, Jackie Klein, Dee Boonstra, and Montclair State student assistant Ena Gomez.
MSW visited the Write! group at Montclair Library, Montclair, New Jersey Thursday, May 6, 2010.
Meredith Sue Willis's novel Trespassers is Hamilton Stone Editions'
First e-book!   E-book ISBN: 978-1-4524-1669-4
Download for $4.99!
Click here for formats and free sample!
(For the paperback edition, go to Hamilton Stone's catalog)
Article "Apply Film Techniques to Fiction Writing" is in the April 2010 print issue ofThe Writer Magazine. A sample from the article is free online here. You may have to register for the site, but there is no charge.
MSW's article "Seduced Into Consciousness: the Art of Jayne Anne Phillips" has received the 2009 Appalachian Heritage Magazine Plattner Award in non-fiction.

MSW and Alice Robinson-Gilman presented a platform about Mountaintop Removal in Appalachia at the Ethical Culture Society of Essex County on February 28, 2010, 11:00 a.m. See article on Patch.


MSW read at Luna Stage on February 28, 2010

New Commentary on Trespassers

Fall 2009: "Tara White" nominated for a Pushcart Prize


...with MSW story “The Roy Critchfield Scandals.”We All Live Downstream: Writings About Mountaintop Removal is edited by Jason Howard and published by Motes Books.






Short Story "My Most Embarrassing" now online at Two Hawks Quarterly


June 13, 2009 MSW was part of the The SOMe Book Fest, a celebration of local authors and illustrators.  SOMe Book Nook is located at 15 Scotland Road inside Sparkhouse Kids, South Orange, NJ 07079. Call 973-821-5227

A new edition of Quilt Piece with a sequence of poems by Jane Wilson Joyce and MSW's story “Family Knots.” It has been out of print for some time, and this new edition is really lovely. Order dirctly from the publisher for $12.50 plus $2.00 to help with postage:GNOMON PRESS, P.O. Box 475 , Frankfort, KY 40602-0475




MSW is a listed contributor in a beautiful hardover book from A& C Black, London, The Bloomsbury Guide to Illustrated Children's Books. She wrote the sections on "Writing Dialogue" and "Avoiding Patronizing the Reader."




MSW's article "Seduced Into Consciousness: the Art of Jayne Anne Phillips" is available online in the Winter 2009 issue of Appalachian Heritage.


Prose Narrative class with MSW was featured in Madison/Chatham This Week
MSW story "Tara White was published by Bloodroot Literary Magazine . Read an excerpt here.
Meredith Sue Willis read "My Boy Elroy" from In the Mountains of America at the “Apples for Appalachia” Festival at the Ardsley United Methodist Church, Ardsley, New York on October 17, 2008.
MSW did worshops on "Narration in the Novel" and "Finding Material for Short Stories" at the West Virginia Literary Arts Program in Morgantown, WV on June 21, 2008 in Morgantown, WV. See (scroll down to entry for June 10).
MSW presented "Writing the Chapter Book for Children" at the North Wildwood Beach Writers Conference, June 5, 2008. See article.
MSW gave the platform We Were Your Children: 1968 - 2008 at the Sunday morning platform of the Ethical Culture Society of Essex County on May 11, 2008.

An interview with MSW appeared in Process, the Playwright's Theatre Playbill (Playwrights Theatre 33 Green Village Road, PO Box 1295, Madison, NJ 07940 http://www.ptnj )

MSW's memoir piece "Red Rover, Red Rover" appeared in the Appalachian Writers Guild Anthology MMVIII, edited by L.G. Wise (Grrenvue Press, http://www.GreenvuePress 2008)
MSW has an article in the Spring 2008 (Volumme 39, Number 3) 40th anniversary issue of Teachers & Writers Magazine: "I'm Still a Writer-in-the-Schools."

MSW read from Trespassers at the '68-'08 event at Altshul Auditorium atColumbia University t on Saturday April 26, 2008. This was part of a four day remembrance and discussion of the Columbia student strikes of 1968 in which she participated. See her novel Trespassers.
MSW read from Oradell at Sea and led a discussion at Lunch With Books at the Ohio County Public Library in Wheeling, West Virginia on March 4, 2008. See article.


MSW read "What I Learned in First Grade" at the Associated Writng Programs Conference on February 1, 2008, part of a collection on schooling and education called After the Bell: Contemporary American Prose about School , edited by Maggie Anderson and David Hassler.

MSW reviewed Blood Kin, by Mark Powell, in Now & Then: The Appalachian Magazine ( Volume 23, Number 2).
MSW was "Villager of the Month" in her town of South Orange, New Jersey for November 2007.
MSW taught the nonfiction workshop at the 30th Annual Appalachian Writers Workshop at Hindman, Kentucky, July 29 - August 3, 2007.
Billie of Fish House Lane was the Two Towns One Book Children's Book forMaplewood and South Orange, New Jeresy. Events took place Thursday, July12 and Tuesday, July 17, 2007. (See a review of the book here.
MSW's Article on on Beginning Your Novel Step-by-Step appeared in the July issue of The Writer .
Meet the Author, a Local Access t.v. program (Channel  19 South Orange, Channel 35 Maplewood) featured MSW in spring 2007.
MSW received the Sal Santaniello Humanitarian of the Year Award from the Ethical Society of Essex County on May 19, 2007. This is an award for "indefatigable service to the Ethical Culture Movement and the advancement of world justice." Click here for pictures.
MSW and Alice Robinson-Gilman presented a program at the Ethical Culture Society of Essex County on April 15, 2007 called Books That Moved Us.
Story "Triangulation" in the Winter 2006-2007 issue of the Saranac Review.
Article from Appalachian Heritage by Phyllis Wilson Moore about MSW. (You need Acrobat reader to read this. Free download at Adobe Acrobat Reader . More on this issue.
Meredith Sue Willis gave her lecture on "Ethics and Writing for Children" at the South Orange Public Library November 16, 2006.

MSW, Jeff Mann, Crystal Wilkinson preparing to read
at Berea College
On Friday, November 10, 2006, MSW read with Crystal Wilkinson and Jeff Mann at Berea College in Berea, Kentucky, for the Appalachian Heritage' First Featured Writers Reading.
The Fall 2006 issue of Appalachian Heritage featured MSW (a story and an essay) as well as a biographical essay by Phyllis Wilson Moore; a reappraisal of her 1981 novel HIGHER GROUND by Keith Maillard; and a personal essay about how we grew up by my oldest friend, West Virginia University President David C. Hardesty. For information on getting a copy, go to Appalachian Heritage.
MSW taught "Beginning Your Novel" at the 2006 Writers Conference at Penn October 14, 2006 at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. In its 12th year the Writers Conference at Penn includes over 80 workshops  and 300 attendees with topics ranging widely within fiction, non fiction, publishing and professional services. For information about next year's conference, visit .
MSW was part of the Twenty Fifth Appalachian Writers' Festival at  Emory & Henry College September 21 - 23 , 2006. See blog entries too.
MSW read with poets Iris N. Schwartz and Madeline Artenberg on June 27, 2006  at the Clement Soto Velez Cultural Center on Suffolk Street in NYC.
On Saturday, May 13, 2006, MSW gave a reading from her latest book for children, Billie of Fish House Lane  , to children and adults at The Goat Café in South Orange, New Jersey.
April 9, 2006  Sunday: Ethical Culture Society of Essex County Sunday morning platform-- MSW and Alice Robinson-Gilman lead a member platform. 11:00 AM, 516 Prospect Street, Maplewood, New Jersey.
April 5, 2006, MSW read her short story "Tales of the Abstract Expressionist" (online and in Dwight's House and Other Stories) to students and professors at Ramapo College in Mahwah, New Jersey.
MSW gave the platform at the Essex Ethical Culture Society on Sunday, February 19-- on writing for children by reading what children write.
Billie of Fish House Lane was a finalist in the Foreword Magazaine Book of the Year Awards. Billie Lee, who narrates her own story, is, says the publisher, "smart and sassy." She's eleven, part of a mixed race family. The book is for kids 8 - 12.
There is an interview by Nathan Leslie of Meredith Sue Willis in the Spring 2006  Main Street Rag magazine.
For reviews of recent MSW books, go to her book page.  For a review of MSW's recent short story collection Dwight's House and Other Stories, click here.   Another review from the American Book Review can be read here.
See MSW's article about activist poet Don West at The Ethical Review of Books







All MSW's Books


Buy via online bookstore that splits proceeds with brick-and-mortar stores!


Novels and Short Stories for Adults

A Space Apart Book Cover Image

Books for Teens and Children

 Meli's Way Book Cover Book Cover Image

Books about Writing



E-book Versions of MSW books

Meli's Way Ebook Cover ImageOradell at Sea Ebook Cover ImageLove Palace Ebook Cover Image
Dwight's House Ebook Cover Image
Higher Ground Ebook Cover ImageOnly Great Changes Ebook Cover ImageTrespassers Ebook Cover Image
A Space Apart Ebook Cover ImageRe-Visions Ebook Cover ImageOut of the Mountains Ebook Cover ImageThe City Bulit of Starships Ebook Cover Image

(To buy any of these books as e-books, click on the image. They are also available at the
Kindle Store and at the Nook Store as well as the iBook store and other e-book stores.)


A Lot of Links:

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Appalachian YA Literature



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