Meredith Sue Willis
Photos found on this page:may be used by anyone, but please attribute the source:
Website of Meredith Sue Willis
Folks for Christmas Dinner

Lucille Willis (aged 93)
and a downed tree in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy.
The Wedding.....
(for more pictures than you could possibly want to see, go to my Flickr Photostream)

MSW & Andy before the wedding
Joel, Granny Lou, and Sarah Walking Joel down the aisle...

Sarah and Joel under the chuppah

Joel and Sarah, married and so happy.....

From 1983: Singing at the Manhattan Theater Club:
"Close Harmonies from Appalachia:
MSW & Maggie Anderson

Andy & Ken Schreiber, New Year's, at Ken's

Joel and Sarah at Applebee's, Nassau County, just back from South Africa,
on their way to the next plane to California.

Labor Day at the lake: Jane NIckelsberg; Andy's sister Ellen; Andy's brother David; MSW; Andy's cousin John Nickelsberg; Andy
Andy biked Connecticut to Vermont 8-4-09

Andy at the lake, Memorial Day 2009
Spring 2009
Adrienne Bolden and MSW at honoring for Howard GIlman MSW and Monique High at Barnard 40th reunion festivities 6-5-09
April 2009:
We visited the Weinbergs, Zakowskis, and Alex in Southern California!

MSW & Andy at the Ranch
View at the Ranch Sarah feeding Joel a loquat
And Joel and Sarah Got Engaged!

Andy, MSW, Joel, Sarah, and Sarah's parents Jan and Phil Zakowski on Passover at Sarah's grandparents' ranch near Los Angeles
MSW March 2009 Author's Visit in Glen Rock, NJ

Lucille Willis wraps beautiful packages! Christmas 2008

Joel and Sarah show Lucille pictures of Israel

MSW & Taxi

Alex Kato Willis (Chrissie's son) visited and played the incredibly out-of-tune piano!
August 2008 Joel on Masada, on a camel, and an Israeli Feast

July fun: Andy after biking Joel gearing up for graduate school

Front yard daylilies July

Mother's Group (The ones who had babies together in Brooklyn):
Maddy, Evelyn, MSW, Nancy, Jody
Left to right, Goro Kato, Christine Willis,
Sarah Zakowski, Joel Weinberger, Alex Kato-Willis, and in front, Lucille Willis

Joel and Alex Kato-Willis

Sarah, Joel, Lucille, Alex

Portrait of Taxicab, Pet Parakeet Prospect Street on 2-22-08

Christmas 2007: Lucille WIllis; MSW; Andy; Joel; Sarah Zakowski

Fireplace on New Year's by MSW with her new camera!

Christmas morning, 2007: wearing new cozy slippers from Andy,
tiny red origami crane earrings from Lucille Willis,
and opening my brand new camera from Joel!

Cousin Harley Beall & Lucille Willis in Ohio, December 2007
Thanksgiving Weinberger-Cavanagh in Clinton, CT
Thanksgiving at Ellens-- Foreground, left to right: Ellen, Nathan, Joel, Greg, MSW Joel and his cousin and age-mate Leah Weinberger
We visited Joel & Sarah in San Francisco...

Photo by Andy after biking over the Golden Gate Bridge Sarah, Joel, MSW, Andy
Andy helping people MSW & Andy at M.H. De Young Museum Tower

MSW in the Pacific
Joel's Graduation: Memorial Day Week-end 2007

Joel and Sarah MSW, Joel, Andy
Graduation day feet Ellen, Sarah, Joel, Greg, MSW,, Bethany, Andy, Jon (hidden)

Linda and Ken Schreiber
Tak and Chiaki Achiwa Housemate graduates: Melanie, Seb, Joel
Harvey, Joel, Adrianne Ethan Schreiber, Vanessa, MSW, Andy, Joel
Sal Santaniello Award Presented by
Ethical Culture Society of Essex County to MSW May 19, 2007

Andy Weinberger, MSW looking like the cat that swallowed the canary.

Bob Bender, Boe Meyerson, Gloria Torrice

Tricia Idrobo, Betty Levin, Marty Cotler

Special Singers: Patty Bender, Lisa Novemsky, Rosalie Sussman, Barbara Cotler,
Barbara Heisler Williams, Lorraine Graves, Audrey Rowe
Chiaki sings at Ethical Culture, 5-13-07, Jim Harrington Accompanying
Joel's Final Tap Performance and
his Tap Group at Brown, "What's On Tap?"

Joel played on the Computer Science softball team too-- before he shaved!

1-15-07, Hoboken, New Jersey:
Kazuyo Nishihara (Chiaki's mother), Takeshi, Chisato Nishihara (Chiaki's younger sister),
MSW, ABW, Joel,
Sarah, Chiaki, Kotaro (Chiaki's brother) and Rino Nishihara, and Shintaro (Chiaki's other brother) Nishihara.
Latest in Bird Poses: Taxicab, January 2007
MSW Hilltop School Mendham, NJ
Christmas 2006
Top, Left to right, Takeshi &Chiaki in "King" hats; Joel & Sarah; bottom, left to right: Molly Gilman, Alice Robinson-Gilman, MSW
Rheumatologist of the year 2006--Arthritis Foundation honors Andy at their Gala.
Top, left to right, MSW, Joel & Andy; Andy at the podium.
Second row, Sarah Zakowski and Joel leaving Gala; MSW & Andy at table. Happy, Happy!

Berea College, November 10, 2006
Appalachian Heritage Reading
Crystal Wilkinson & fans; Jeff Mann

MSW, Jeff, Crystal about to read
Taxicab on Cuisinart Taxi Up Close and Out of Focus Taxi in sunshine....

Takeshi Achiwa, Joel, Chiaki Achiwa
at the Caffe Reggio in NYC Fall 2006

of summer--Good-bye Lake Buel!
Bonding with Budgie: August 2006
July 2006
Andy and MSW on the roof of the Metropolitan
Museum of Art. July 7, 2006.
June, 2006
The Black and White Salon of the Women Read Women Book Group. Top left, Lorraine Gravesand Deborah Davis,
author of Party of the Century; then Lorraine and Helene, group members, MSW and Andy, guests, then Ellen Greenfield,
Ben Willliams, and Barbara Heisler Williams with masks! June 24, 2006

Taxicab takes over: July 2006
Mary Sciaino introduced MSW at reading for kids at the Goat, South Orange, May 13, 2006.
Audience included kids from 2 to twelve and adults of all ages. Good clean fun!
Winter 2005-2006
Andy at Lake Buel-- Weinberger cottage is right center set back in trees

Sarah and Joel, Tired

Takeshi and Chiaki Achiwa, Christmas, 2005

Holidays at the Willis-Weinbergers: Sarah Zakowski, Joel, MSW,
Takeshi Achiwa, Chiaki Achiwa, Lucille Willis, Andy, Yasuko Oishi (Tak's aunt)

Joel & Sarah Thanksgiving 2005

Jonathan Cavanagh and Greg Cavanagh
(Joel's cousins) Thanksgiving 2005

Achiwa family and MSW October 2005
and Sarah, 10-15-05

Joel, MSW in Florence, January, 2005

with first graders, Warren Street School, Newark, New Jersey, December 2004
